Lets Get

You Moving

Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior or just average joe restrictions in your mobility and flexibility can impact your daily life. The treatments we offer at McCourt Chiropractic are to cater to each of our patient’s individual needs. By offering a variety of treatments, we can help you recover faster and get moving like you used to.


Graston Technique

Dr. McCourt is certified in the Graston Technique, which is an instrument-assisted soft tissue treatment. The technique addresses acute, chronic and post-surgical conditions, and has been proven to accelerate recovery in a shorter period of time. Through the combination of the technique and instruments, the scar tissue and fascial restrictions in the afflicted area are treated which eliminates pain while restoring range of motion and normal function.
Some of the most common cases for Graston Technique:
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Heel Pain
  • Scar Tissue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • And more

Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy

As a safe, natural, non-invasive procedure, CMT is an approach used by chiropractors to restore and improve health. It is one of the most common procedures offered by chiropractors, where they apply controlled force to the affected area of the spine. This is also frequently used on the pelvic region to normalize the sacroiliac joints. CMT is usually provided through the use of hands or a special mechanical tool.

Please Note: Chiropractic doctors are the only healthcare professionals trained in these adjustments. Spinal adjustments by any other healthcare professional or individual could be dangerous or ineffective.


Treatments Offered


A non-surgical technique used for a variety of lumbar spine conditions including disc bulges and herniations.

Sports Rehab

Injuries in sports are bound to happen. While helping you recover faster we also will address the underlying issue.


A therapeutic technique to alleviate muscle and soft tissue injuries that could be a result of acute or chronic pain.

New Patient Information

Once you’ve booked your appointment, see what you need to know as a first-time patient.